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3 Cara Mudah Tingkatkan Hormon Testosteron Anda!

Updated: Jun 17, 2020

Xgene Royale rawat Onani


Apa-apapum, Kenapa senaman boleh meningkatkan kadar testosteron dalam badan anda?

Ini adalah 2 karena utama:


Pertama, pelatihan otot. Semakin bertambah otot-otot yang anda bina, semakin tinggi kadar hormon testosteron anda.


Kedua, penjagaan berat badan. Jika anda bersenam, berat badan anda akan berkurangan & akan menaikkan kadar testosteron anda.



Cara Bersenam Yang Betul

Untuk memastikan kadar testosteron pada badan anda semakin tinggi anda perlu ikuti 3 cara bersenam ini!


Pertama, kadar testosteron anda akan berada pada termin kemuncak pada tempoh 30 minit selepas bersenam.


Anda jua akan perasan libido atau keghairah anda pula lain macam sikit apabila selepas bersenam.


Tapi selepas 1 jam, kadar testosteron dan libido anda akan berada wajah normal kembali.


Kedua, ada tiga faktor menghipnotis peningkatan maksimum testosteron selepas bersenam.


Tiga faktor tadi artinya bersenam memakai otot-otot utama, menggunakan pemberat, & kadar rehat antara sesi latihan yang pendek.


Ketiga, anda mesti melakukan senaman yg melibatkan 3 kasus ini!


Senaman melibatkan pelbagai sendi misalnya push up. Lakukan 6-8 reps untuk setiap set. Rehat lima minit sebelum beralih ke set seterusnya.


**Nafsu seks anda semakin merudum? Ini cara tingkatkan libido kelelakian anda. Barulah Si Dia ‘mengaum-ngaum’ pada katil.


Tingkatkan testosterone suami


dua. Ambil Protein & Lemak, Rangsang Penghasilan Testosterone

Apa yang anda makan itulah diri anda.


Jadi buat memastikan kadar testosteron anda berada di tahap yg optimum anda perlu menjaga makan anda & mengambil makanan yang mempuyai protein & lemak.


Tiram kaya protein

Tiram Kaya Protein


Antara makanan yg sangat membantu anda samaada di luar tempat tinggal atau pada ranjang ialah tiram!


Tiram adalah makanan bahari yang kaya dengan zink dan jua protein.


Zink sangat membantu pada menghasilkan testosterone & penghasilan sperma yg sihat.


Oh ya, tiram juga seringkali dikaitkan dengan makanan yang boleh mempertinggi libido anda pula.


Satu lagi gosip menarik, tiram jua membantu meningkatkan kadar dopamine, satu jenis hormon yg libido untuk lelaki dan perempuan.


Jangan terkejut jikalau anda kerap mengamalkan makan tiram, nafsu seks anda semakin tinggi. Maaf kami tak bertanggungjawab ya!

Hormon testosterone anda berkemungkinan berada di paras bahaya!


Menurut kajian yang dijalankan oleh AUA, 2 daripada 10 lelaki yang berusia 60 tahun ke atas mengalami masalah ini.


Lagi menakutkan, angka ini akan meningkat kepada 3 daripada 10 lelaki apabila mereka mula berusia 70 tahun.


Untuk makluman anda, fungsi hormon testosterone juga adalah sebagai hormon seks lelaki.


Namun wanita juga mempunyai sedikit hormon ini di dalam badan mereka yang dihasilkan oleh ovari.




Senaman Fizikal Tingkatkan Libido

1. Biasakan Balik Lakukan Senaman Fizikal


Jika hormon testosterone anda rendah, bersenam dapat membantu meningkatkannya!


Bersenam adalah satu cara yang sangat membantu untuk meningkatkan hormon testosteron dan menaikkan libido anda!


Menurut seorang doktor, Richard Jaddick bersenam dapat meningkatkan kadar testosterone dalam badan.


Malah ada ada sesetengah senaman yang lebih berkesan dari senaman yang lain.


Thomas King seorang seorang trainer di JK Conditioning ada menyebut latihan yang sangat berkesan untuk meningkatkan hormon testosterone ialah:

[1] Squat

[2] Angkat berat

[3] Bench press

[4] Pull up

[5] Overhead press

[6] Push up



Xgene Royale rawat Onani


Apa-apapum, Kenapa senaman boleh meningkatkan kadar testosteron dalam badan anda?

Ini adalah 2 sebab utama:


Pertama, pembinaan otot. Semakin bertambah otot-otot yang anda bina, semakin tinggi kadar hormon testosteron anda.


Kedua, penjagaan berat badan. Bila anda bersenam, berat badan anda akan berkurangan dan akan meningkatkan kadar testosteron anda.



Cara Bersenam Yang Betul

Untuk memastikan kadar testosteron dalam badan anda meningkat anda perlu ikuti 3 cara bersenam ini!


Pertama, kadar testosteron anda akan berada pada tahap kemuncak dalam tempoh 30 minit selepas bersenam.


Anda juga akan perasan libido atau keghairah anda juga lain macam sikit bila selepas bersenam.


Tapi selepas 1 jam, kadar testosteron dan libido anda akan berada paras normal kembali.


Kedua, ada 3 faktor mempengaruhi peningkatan maksimum testosteron selepas bersenam.


Makan Mengandungi Lemak

Jangan terkejut makanan yg mengandungi lemak sangat membantu anda buat mempertinggi kadar testosterone.

Makanan berlemak disini bukanlah kuliner berlemak misalnya yang anda fikirkan ya.


Makanan yang dimaksukan disini ialah kuliner yg mengandungi lemak tidak tepu seperti:


[1] Avocado

[2] Buah Zaitun

[3] Ikan salmon

[4] Minyak seperti minyak zaitun, minyak sayuran dan minyak soya

[5] Biji bunga matahari dan biji chia (chia seeds)


Seorang penyelidik menurut UK, Dr. Marilyn Glenville terdapat menyebut, lemak sangat membantu buat menaikkan kadar libido pada badan kerana hormon seks misalnya testosteron dihasilkan menurut kolesterol yg terdapat pada makanan berlemak.


Satu masalah menarik lagi, menurut Dr. Marilyn Glenville, lemak akan mengakibatkan dinding faraj lebih lembut dan lembap. Wow!


3. Kurangkan Stress, Penyebab Utama Kadar Testosterone Rendah


Penat memikirkan tentang kerja & hidup akan menyebabkan hayati anda stress.


Setujukan dengan fenomena yang pahit ini?


Bila anda penat memikirkan mengenai seluruh ini, anda akan mengalami stress.


Yang lagi getir, bila anda tertekan kehidupan seskual anda menggunakan isteri semakin kurang.


Untuk mereka yang dipertengahan usia, stress yg melampau merupakan punca kekurangan hormon testosteron!


Simpton Stress Dan Kurang Testosterone

Anda akan mengalami tanda-tanda ini jika berhadapan dengan dua kasus di atas:

[1] Tidak berminat menggunakan hubungan seksual

[2] Cepat penat

[3] Susah buat tidur malam

[4] Rasa tertekan

[5] Kurang bertenaga


Mengurangkan Stress dan Menaikkan Testosterone

Banyak cara & langkah yg anda boleh lakukan buat mengurangkan tertekan yang anda hadapi & pada masa yang sama menaikkan testosterone anda.


Pertama, elakkan pengambilan kafein. Anda boleh mengelakkan atau sekurang-kurangnya mengurangkan pengambilan air seperti kopi dan teh pada diet harian anda.


Boleh gantikan dengan minuman berjus tanpa gula & air masak.


Kedua, libatkan diri menggunakan aktiviti fizikal. Aktiviti fizikal misalnya bersenam dan bermain bola sepak sangat membantu untuk mengurangkan tekanan.


Malah menggunakan aktif bersukan, badan anda jua akan membuat lebih testosterone. Lebih testosteron bermakna lebih libido!


**Boleh baca nanti, kebaikan melancap buat aktiviti seks anda.

Ketiga, dapatkan tidur yang relatif.


Tidur yg relatif akan membantu anda buat tak pernah mati segar sepanjang hari.


Kurang tidur boleh mengakibatkan mood anda terganggu dan mudah stress.


Tidur yang relatif yg dicadangkan sang kajian UCSD ialah 6.lima jam sahaja sehari.


Tidur yg kurang boleh menyebabkan tertekan manakala tidur yang lebih boleh mendatangkan penyakit!



Anda dah habis baca artikel ni kan?


Oleh itu, jom kita mulakan dengan langkah pertama.


Jangan fikir panjang-panjang lagi. Kejayaan bermula dengan langkah pertama!


Memang tahap testosterone ni sangat menghipnotis kesuburan lelaki gaiss.


Bila lagikan nak menikmati semula kenikmatan seperti malam pertama?


Mulakan menggunakan aktiviti yang paling gampang bagi anda & anda boleh lihat kesannya seawal bulan pertama.

Jangan terkejut makanan yang mengandungi lemak sangat membantu anda untuk meningkatkan kadar testosterone.

Makanan berlemak disini bukanlah makanan berlemak seperti yang anda fikirkan ya.


Makanan yang dimaksukan disini ialah makanan yang mengandungi lemak tidak tepu seperti:


[1] Avocado

[2] Buah Zaitun

[3] Ikan salmon

[4] Minyak seperti minyak zaitun, minyak sayuran dan minyak soya

[5] Biji bunga matahari dan biji chia (chia seeds)


Seorang penyelidik dari UK, Dr. Marilyn Glenville ada menyebut, lemak sangat membantu untuk meningkatkan kadar libido dalam badan kerana hormon seks seperti testosteron dihasilkan dari kolesterol yang terdapat dalam makanan berlemak.


Satu perkara menarik lagi, menurut Dr. Marilyn Glenville, lemak akan menyebabkan dinding faraj lebih lembut dan lembap. Wow!


3. Kurangkan Stress, Penyebab Utama Kadar Testosterone Rendah


Penat memikirkan mengenai kerja dan hidup akan menyebabkan hidup anda stress.


Adakah anda selalu rasa tidak bertenaga & bermaya sepanjang hari? Testosterone rendah ke?


Lebih-lebih lagi jika usia anda semakin semakin tinggi tua.


Atau anda perasan ereksi & prestasi anda pada ranjang sudah nir seghairah dulu?


Susah buat turn on jika diajak oleh pasangan anda?


Ini pula bermakna libido anda semakin berkurang.


Bertenang. Duduk sekejap dan cuba hadam perkara ini baik-baik.



Berhenti onani menggunakan Xgene Royale

Hormon testosterone anda berkemungkinan berada pada paras bahaya!


Menurut kajian yang dijalankan sang AUA, 2 daripada 10 lelaki yg berusia 60 tahun ke atas mengalami perkara ini.


Lagi menakutkan, nomor ini akan semakin tinggi kepada 3 daripada 10 lelaki bila mereka mula berusia 70 tahun.


Untuk makluman anda, fungsi hormon testosterone jua merupakan sebagai hormon seks lelaki.


Tetapi wanita juga mempunyai sedikit hormon ini di pada badan mereka yg dihasilkan sang ovari.


**Boleh baca selepas ini, Cara tingkatkan nafsu seks isteri agar mencanak-canak.



Senaman Fizikal Tingkatkan Libido

1. Biasakan Balik Lakukan Senaman Fizikal


Jika hormon testosterone anda rendah, bersenam dapat membantu meningkatkannya!


Bersenam adalah satu cara yang sangat membantu buat mempertinggi hormon testosteron & menaikkan libido anda!


Menurut seorang doktor, Richard Jaddick bersenam dapat menaikkan kadar testosterone pada badan.


Malah ada ada sesetengah senaman yg lebih berkesan menurut senaman yang lain.


Thomas King seseorang seseorang trainer pada JK Conditioning terdapat menyebut latihan yang sangat berkesan untuk menaikkan hormon testosterone ialah:

[1] Squat

[2] Angkat berat

[3] Bench press

[4] Pull up

[5] Overhead press

[6] Push up

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Table of Contents:

Paraphrasing Tool

Features of Prepostseo Paraphrase Online Tool

Uses of paraphrasing

Who can use the paraphrasing tool?

What is the best paraphrasing tool?

What is Paraphrasing Plagiarism?

Online Praphrasing vs Manual Paraphrasing

What is a citation and how can you cite the paraphrased text?

Paraphrasing Tool

Definition of paraphrasing

According to the Oxford Dictionary:

“a statement that expresses something that somebody has written or said using different words, especially in order to make it easier to understand”

As stated by

“A restatement of a text or passage giving the meaning in another form, as for clearness; rewording.”

In the opinion of Wikipedia:

“A paraphrase /ˈpærəfreɪz/ is a restatement of the meaning of a text or passage using other words.”

So far we can say paraphrasing is “the use of different words to restate a text to achieve clearer meaning”

Paraphrasing is to use your own words to retain the original idea but to more clarify the meaning just like, “the traffic signal was red” you can paraphrase it to like “the cars were not allowed to move because the signal was red”.

The signal was the main idea but the words used to clarify or explain the text more.

Features of Prepostseo Paraphrase Online Tool

The Prepostseo paraphrasing tool is an efficient plagiarism changer when it comes to paraphrasing a written content that has already been written somewhere to avoid plagiarism.

We have developed this free paraphrasing tool using advanced techniques and algorithms to give an effective output for each and every document that you want to paraphrase using our tool. It involves the use of a synonym changer and sentence changer technique to make the paraphrased content different from the original content.

Our tool can be used by a variety of people including students, professionals, webmasters, and freelancers. Some prominent features of this tool are given below:

Directly upload files for Paraphrasing from your PC

There is nothing to worry about if you don’t like to copy and paste stuff every now and then. You just need to access our paraphrase tool on the Prepostseo website and click this option below the box saying ‘Select File .doc/.docx/.txt/.pdf’ and then simply upload the text file you want to paraphrase.

As you can see there is no restriction of any format for a text file. You can even upload .pdf files for paraphrasing. Our efficient tool will give you the paraphrased content in a short time with a change of wording but it would never affect the actual meaning of written material.

Copy and Paste Directly from the Web

If you want to paraphrase any content from the web then it is simple with the Prepostseo free paraphrasing online tool. You can simply copy the content from the website where content is published and then paste it in the box of the Prepostseo paraphrasing tool.

You will get paraphrased content easily in a short time with improved quality. Using our paraphrasing tool is really simple, you won’t experience any type of problem during the use of this tool. It is meant to ensure the ease of use while delivering quality paraphrased content.

Totally Safe for SEO

Our paraphrasing tool is safe for SEO. It would also take care of SEO content without affecting the structure of keywords. You can also check keyword density up to one, two, or three keywords on the Prepostseo website.

Final Output will be 100% plagiarism free content

The output from our paraphrasing tool as paraphrased content would be completely free of plagiarism. You would witness the efficiency of our paraphrasing tool by yourself when you would compare the paraphrased content with original content through our plagiarism comparison tool directly.

However, there are certain chances of similar content is some places that could be rectified manually. You can check the uniqueness of the paraphrased content with the help of any plagiarism checker.

100% Free to Use

Our paraphrasing tool is totally free to use. You can paraphrase an unlimited number of articles in a day. There is no limitation regarding that as well. You can rewrite multiple paragraphs in just one sitting. The only limitation, you would observe is the time it takes while paraphrasing a paragraph.

However, you can get paraphrased content quickly if you opt for a premium package on the Prepostseo website which enables you to use other useful tools available on our website at premium package too.

Use the Combination of a Variety of Tools to Enhance the Quality of Content

While using our paraphrase tool you can use various other tools available on our website to improve the quality of content. You can use our other tools like article rewriter, grammar checker, plagiarism checker, readability checker, keyword density checker, and word counter for enhanced content.

The grammar checker on the Prepostseo website would make sure that your content is completely free of grammatical and punctuation mistakes. The plagiarism checker would check the uniqueness of your content. The readability checker would analyze the content on the basis of ease of readability. Keyword density checker would help you in analyzing your content on the basis of keyword and check whether it is keyword stuffing or not? And finally. our Word counter would tell you some metrics of your content like most used words, the longest word in your content, and the longest sentence in your content.

Uses of paraphrasing

Paraphrasing is one vital technique for a lot of people to enhance their writing skills. However, remember, paraphrasing is not similar to summarizing.

Most of the people find it difficult to brainstorm new ideas every day, sometimes it is difficult to discover the same idea with an intelligent manner is difficult.

If you are facing problem like these, the paraphrasing tool is there for you to give you push where you are stuck.

Paraphrasing is better than memorizing, students want to remember something they can paraphrase the text which will create a concept that will be beneficial for them. For example, in future exams.

Online paraphrasing is a different concept as compared to manual.

Developers have made tools that can paraphrase a text in seconds. It was developed for people rushing and have a lot of work to do. The simple they can do is just take a text and copy-paste it and let the tool do paraphrase it for them.

Here are some uses listed below of paraphrasing tool:

Rewrite full-length essays

Reproduce text to achieve unique content

Remix articles for blogs, websites or research paper assignments

Paraphrase the text and achieve better synonyms for a number of words

Remove chances of plagiarism in a copied text

Achieve better meaning

Paraphrasing is helpful for students and for those who have to submit a lot of work within short span of time. Paraphrasing can help them rewrite their own text to make new content with the same meaning as demanded.

Paraphrasing a text manually is not an easy task to do. Paraphrasing text using this tool will save hell a lot of time with greater precision and accurate words.

Who can use the paraphrasing tool?

Paraphrasing, a basic need for every student, writer, teachers, authors, and bloggers, etc.


Students can use free paraphrasing tools in order to rewrite essays, assignments or presentations.

Essay writing, assignments and presentations are the things students are concerned about. Institutes giving a bulk amount of homework to students causing students to do more hard work.

The paraphrase generator is the best solution, as this tool can rephrase text in seconds with more clarity.


Bloggers can use to make new content every day by paraphrasing the old content again and again. New bloggers have to write articles and have to do a lot of work every day to grow their respective blogs.

It is although difficult to write content every day while keeping the original idea the same. This tool can help you out. You have to just copy-paste your content and this tool will collect every possible word synonym to let you choose and create a unique content every day.


Writers can use their previous work and paraphrase it as it is difficult to brainstorm new ideas every day.

Being a writer is not easy, every time they have to come up with unique words and sentences to engage their readers and also to flourish their writing skills.

The rephrase online is a professional tool with every word stored in their database. This tool replaces words with their possible synonyms to make the text look unique with greater precision. If writers paraphrase the text by themselves it will consume a lot of time.


Freelancers can use this tool to paraphrase his/her own content again and again.

It happens a lot with freelancers that they are demanded to write something that they have already done before by another person.

To counter these, a freelancer can use a paraphrasing tool to alter the content by replacing words and remixing the text to make it look new and plagiarism free. It is often challenging to paraphrase your own text, as it takes a lot of time and even though you are satisfied, plagiarism may still occur.


Researchers like PhD and masters level students can use this tool for their research purpose to avoid plagiarism and increase the level of creativity.

It happens a lot with Ph.D. and masters students when they have to research and write their paper or thesis. There are some points where they have to copy from books, websites, journals or any other similar source.

Some researchers have a rich vocabulary and they can manually paraphrase the work they want to but some need automatic tools to help them out in a legitimate manner.

A paraphrasing tool is the best tool that can help researchers out. This tool makes changes from line to line and word to word. As an input it takes the original text and creates new plagiarism free text as an output in seconds.

What is the best paraphrasing tool?

How can you find the best tool? With the increasing demand for this tool, many of the websites are offering free services and some require a subscription in order to use it.

There are some disadvantages as well, the auto-paraphrased text may not get detected by Google but the naked eye of the human reader can easily understand that it makes no sense at all.

It only changes words with related synonyms from its database. The sentences afterward change sometimes are making no sense.

To eliminate this problem our paraphraser works as a reworder and satisfies all needs. We make sure the words are changed relatable to the text and pass it as a human paraphrased text.

Prepostseo paraphrase tool has always been the best and the first priority for people worldwide. One of the free sites, easy to use, and convenient for all users.

Our paraphrase online tool paraphrases a text in a way that a human checker cannot detect whether it is paraphrased or not as many of the other website tools paraphrases texts making no sense at all.

Our tool is quick, convenient and most importantly free for all the users to use it multiple times as per demand.

You don’t have to make any call, send an email, sign up, log in, and provide any information or pay any fee to use Prepostseo tools (unless required for preium features).

What is Paraphrasing Plagiarism?

Plagiarism, in general, is stealing someone else’s work and presenting as one’s own idea or text.

Paraphrasing plagiarism is a common type of plagiarism. Paraphrasing is not a bad thing until and unless the person using some other’s persons work and not giving any proper credit to the source like citation or quoting the author.

This type of plagiarism is often found in students when they alter some words and leave the rest of the text original and not giving any acknowledgment that he/she has used someone’s other content.

Online Praphrasing vs Manual Paraphrasing

As compared with online paraphrasing, the manual paraphrasing is not that different if one knows all the tecniques of paraphrasing a text.

Just altering some words and keeping the idea the same is not what paraphrasing is alla bout. But it takes time rather than just copy pasting it from an original source and changing synonyms.

Online paraphrasing is quick but not that reliable. The words may not make sense in afew cases. The person relying on online paraphrasing must double check his work to avoid unprofessional behavior.

Examples of Paraphrasing

Here is an example of manual paraphrasing and online paraphrasing:

Original Paragraph

“Teachers should use English grammar checking software to check the accuracy of the documents provided by their students. A few days back a survey was conducted at the University of Pittsburgh. The university conducted an activity in which 33 undergraduate students participated. The main purpose of this activity is to check the difference in a reader’s ability to check grammar and spelling errors with and without using spelling and grammar checking tools.”

Manual Paraphrasing

The English grammar testing program should be used by educators to check the accuracy of their student papers. A survey was carried out by Pittsburgh University a few days ago involving 33 students. The primary objective of this study was to verify differences in the ability of the reader to correct grammar and spelling mistakes with or without the use of grammar or spell checker tools.

Online Paraphrasing

Teachers should use the technology to test English grammar and confirm the accuracy of their students ' papers. A few days ago, the University of Pittsburgh conducted a survey. The university organized an event in which 33 students took part. The main aim of this exercise is to test the difference between the ability of a reader to correct grammar and orthographic errors with and without using orthographic and grammar control tools.

What is a citation and how can you cite the paraphrased text?

Citation according to Oxford:

“A quotation from or reference to a book, paper, or author, especially in a scholarly work.”

Citation is to refer the original owner of a book, the publisher or author to make the text plagiarism free.

All a person has to do is to quote the exact words he copied in between quotation marks and credit the source.

If crediting the website, putting a source link, for books, credit the author or put the name of the source.

Proper citation

Proper citation is exactly what the example showing. You have to quote, cite and credit the original source so that you don’t get involved in plagiarism.

Example of proper citation to avoid paraphrasing plagiarism

“A few days back a survey was conducted at the University of Pittsburgh. The university conducted an activity in which 33 undergraduate students participated. The main purpose of this activity is to check the difference in a reader’s ability to check grammar and spelling errors with and without using spelling and grammar checking tools.” (, 2019)

Citation (2019). Grammar Check - Free Grammar and punctuation checker. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Nov. 2019].

Note: The citation style that is used here is “Harvard” citation style. You can use the citation style according to your requirements.

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I am a webmaster and I post 2-3 articles per day on my website. It is very tough to write 2-3 posts daily on regular basis. I just copy content from other websites, rewrite it by using prepostseo online content rewriter tool. This Tool helped me every time to avoid plagiarism.

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Banyak cara dan langkah yang anda boleh lakukan untuk mengurangkan stress yang anda hadapi dan pada masa yang sama menaikkan testosterone anda.


Pertama, elakkan pengambilan kafein. Anda boleh mengelakkan atau sekurang-kurangnya mengurangkan pengambilan air seperti kopi dan teh dalam diet harian anda.


Boleh gantikan dengan minuman berjus tanpa gula dan air masak.


Kedua, libatkan diri dengan aktiviti fizikal. Aktiviti fizikal seperti bersenam dan bermain bola sepak sangat membantu untuk mengurangkan tekanan.


Malah dengan aktif bersukan, badan anda juga akan menghasilkan lebih testosterone. Lebih testosteron bermakna lebih libido!


Ketiga, dapatkan tidur yang cukup.


Tidur yang cukup akan membantu anda untuk kekal segar sepanjang hari.


Kurang tidur boleh menyebabkan mood anda terganggu dan mudah stress.


Tidur yang cukup yang dicadangkan oleh kajian UCSD ialah 6.5 jam sahaja sehari.


Tidur yang kurang boleh menyebabkan stress manakala tidur yang lebih boleh mendatangkan penyakit!



Anda dah habis baca artikel ni kan?


Oleh itu, jom kita mulakan dengan langkah pertama.


Jangan fikir panjang-panjang lagi. Kejayaan bermula dengan langkah pertama!


Memang tahap testosterone ni sangat mempengaruhi kesuburan lelaki gaiss.


Bila lagikan nak menikmati semula kenikmatan seperti malam pertama?


Mulakan dengan aktiviti yang paling mudah bagi anda dan anda boleh lihat kesannya seawal bulan pertama.


Akhir sekali, jangan lupa untuk share dengan kawan-kawan ya!

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